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Equipe CMI have announced they will be on training camp from May 4th to May 8th in the Pyrenees.

This will be the team's first Mountains training camp of the season, following their public access training camp in March in Spain, and a smaller training camp in Australia in January.


Fewer than expected team members will be present due to a recent run of back luck and crashes leaving a few of the riders on the sidelines and at home recovering, but the remaining riders from as far away as Finland and the USA will converge on the small Pyrenean town of Massat where CMI Tours runs some of their Custom Pro Mountains Training Camps as well as their "Pyrenees Discovery" trip which gives bike loving clients an awesome, quiet and relaxing week of riding in the Pyrenees, including a few climbs such as the Plateau de Beille. This is also the location of the company's 2015 Tour de France trip as the Tour races through Massat on it's way to the mountain top finish at the Plateau de Beille.

The team has a solid week of riding and training planned for this first week of May, as well as a little team building. There will needless to say be plenty of climbing involved, with two solid days of 130+ km with 3 big climbs. The other days will be shorter and will focus on intervals and specific exercises on the climbs.


Also on the schedule as some meetings to discuss the upcoming races, finalize logistics and look at the end / second half of the season.

Follow the team on Facebook and Twitter or go to their website for information.

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